• December in The Netherlands are all about Sinterklaas and Christmas. Beautiful Christmas light decorate most shopping streets around the country and yo can find small Christmas Markets in some cities.

  • The 5th of December is when the Dutch get together with family or friends to celebrate Sinterklaas. The celebration involves gift giving and the reading of poems. Each person writes a poem for another person which they then read before giving the present.

  • Many Dutch choose to travel (by train or car) to nearby towns of Dusseldorf or Cologne to go to the traditional Christmas Markets there.

  • New Years Eve in The Netherlands is of course, as in every country, a big day. Lots of people in the streets and clubs. The official fireworks show is always in Rotterdam on the Erasmus bridge and is worth a visit. Otherwise most clubs have special NYE parties, but check to see if you need tickets if you want to go. In the streets there are lots of people and fun, but it can also be a bit of mayhem with people shooting fireworks at random, so be careful when going out.

    Some big events in The Netherlands in December 2019 are:

    • Sinterklaas - 5th of December - Everywhere in Holland

    • Amsterdam Light Festival - 28th of November till 19th of January - Take a romantic boat tour or walk the walking route and be amazed by beautiful and innovative light sculptures along the canals in Amsterdam.