Museumnacht happens on the first Saturday of the month of November in Amsterdam. This evening lots of museums are open late with special exhibitions, music, cocktails and events. The city is usually teeming with life and bikes. You need to order tickets in advance. If they are sold out on the main site, then check out (very secure) for extra tickets.
The Dutch have a different take on Santa Clause than the rest of the world and it starts already in November. The Intocht van Sinterklaas (arrival of Sinterklaas) is celebrated in Mid-November when Sinterklaas (a figure based on Saint Nicholas, patron saint of children) will arrive in a boat (from Spain) at a designated port in Holland. He will parade through the streets of the city together with his helpers, Zwarte Piet, who will throw out candy and small ginger bread cookies.
In 2019 the Intocht van Sinterklaas will be in Apeldoorn on the 16th of November between 12.00 and 13.15. There are usually also local celebrations in each city later in the day, so ask your hotel or google it to find out.
The wind and the moisture in the air makes some days really cold. I mean really cold! Norwegians come here and freeze their asses off, so bring a proper warm jacket and maybe a scarf and hat.
Some big events in The Netherlands in November 2019 are:
Museumnacht in Amsterdam - 2nd of November
Arrival of Sinterklaas - 16th of November - whole country
IDFA 2019 – International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam - 20th of November till 1st of December
Amsterdam Light Festival - 28th of November till 19th of January - Take a romantic boat tour or walk the walking route and be amazed by beautiful and innovative light sculptures along the canals in Amsterdam.